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Sikkim Matrimonial

  • Sikkim Brides
  • Sikkim Grooms
  • USSU6983

    24 Years, 5' 4" | Hindu / Hindi-UP/UK | Bania| MHA| No Income| Student| Gangtok

  • USTT6251

    24 Years, 5' 3" | Hindu / Sikkim/ Nepali | Scheduled Caste | B.Ed| Rs. 0 - 1 Lakh, Teacher | Gangtok

  • USWR3913

    23 Years, 5' 3" | Hindu / Sikkim/ Nepali | Nepali | High School| Rs. 0 - 1 Lakh| Journalist| Others

  • USXA9575

    30 Years, 5' 2" | Christian / Sikkim/ Nepali | | Other| Rs. 3 - 4 Lakh, Teacher | Gangtok

  • USAV4511

    26 Years, 5' 3" | Buddhist / Sikkim/ Nepali | | High School| Rs. 1 - 2 Lakh| Beautician| Jorethang

  • USAY5111

    28 Years, 5' 3" | Hindu / Hindi-Rajasthan | Bania| MS| Rs. 10 - 15 Lakh| Marketing Professional| Gangtok

  • USAA0665

    38 Years, 4' 11" | Hindu / Sikkim/ Nepali | Gangai / Ganesh| rai(Gotra)| M.S. (Medicine)| No Income| Not working| Gangtok

  • UTRU2031

    31 Years, 5' 4" | Hindu / Hindi-Bihar/Jharkhand | Bania| kashyap(Gotra)| M.Sc| Rs. 5 - 7.5 Lakh| Agriculture Professional| Gangtok

  • UTSS2271

    30 Years, 5' 5" | Hindu / Hindi-Delhi | Bania| garg(Gotra)| MBA/PGDM| Rs. 25 - 35 Lakh| Finance Professional| Others

  • UTSX4615

    35 Years, 5' 3" | Buddhist / English| | B.Com (Hons)| Rs. 3 - 4 Lakh| Clerk| Others

  • UTVT8997

    22 Years, 5' 7" | Christian / Sikkim/ Nepali | | DMLT| No Income| Looking for job| Gangtok

  • UUSX5017

    28 Years, 5' 2" | Hindu / Hindi-Bihar/Jharkhand | Bania| B.Com| Rs. 4 - 5 Lakh| Others| Singtam

  • UUUS7801

    24 Years, 5' 6" | Hindu / Sikkim/ Nepali | Bania| kashi(Gotra)| High School| No Income| Not working| Namchi

  • UUZU0841

    41 Years, 5' 4" | Christian / Sikkim/ Nepali | | High School| No Income| Not working| Rangpo

  • UUZY3763

    26 Years, 4' 11" | Hindu / Sikkim/ Nepali | Others| High School| Rs. 0 - 1 Lakh| Actor/Model| Gangtok

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Matched by Jeevansathi

Sikkim Matrimonial

Sikkim matrimonies are the wedding ceremonies of the people living in Sikkim. Considerable numbers of people living in Sikkim are Nepalis and they use Nepali as the language to communicate within their community. Hinduism is dominantly followed in the Sikkim regions, followed by Buddhism. Sikkim matrimonies take place in their respective religious fashion with the flavour of Nepali customs. The marriages are mostly influenced from the Indian culture and celebrated with great pomp and show.

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