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Adi Dravida Brides Matrimonial

  • Adi Dravida Brides
  • URAR8065

    24 Years, 5' 3" | Hindu / Tamil | Adi Dravida | B.Sc| Rs. 5 - 7.5 Lakh| Analyst| Bangalore

  • URAS8057

    38 Years, 5' 6" | Hindu / Tamil | Adi Dravida | MS| Rs. 15 - 20 Lakh| Education Professional| Bangalore

  • URAT7197

    27 Years, 5' 7" | Hindu / Tamil | Adi Dravida | MBA/PGDM| Rs. 10 - 15 Lakh| Consultant| Chennai/ Madras

  • URAW9531

    28 Years, 5' 5" | Hindu / Tamil | Adi Dravida | B.Com| Rs. 10 - 15 Lakh, Software Professional | Bangalore

  • USRV2317

    29 Years, 5' 3" | Hindu / Tamil | Adi Dravida | Other| Rs. 3 - 4 Lakh| Doctor| Puducherry

  • USRZ1641

    29 Years, 5' 3" | Hindu / Tamil | Adi Dravida | M.E/M.Tech| Rs. 5 - 7.5 Lakh| Electronics Engineer| Tittakudi

  • USSW2545

    34 Years, 5' 2" | Hindu / Tamil | Adi Dravida | MBA/PGDM| Rs. 50 - 70 Lakh| Banking Professional| Bangalore

  • USTT8355

    26 Years, 5' 2" | Hindu / Tamil | Adi Dravida | B.E/B.Tech| Rs. 7.5 - 10 Lakh, Software Professional | Chennai/ Madras

  • USTV7563

    30 Years, 5' 0" | Hindu / Tamil | Adi Dravida | B.E/B.Tech| Rs. 5 - 7.5 Lakh| UI/UX designer| Bangalore

  • USTW9425

    38 Years, 4' 1" | Hindu / Telugu | Adi Dravida | Vishnu(Gotra)| B.Com| Rs. 1 - 2 Lakh| BPO/ITes Professional| Bangalore

  • USTW8299

    31 Years, 5' 5" | Hindu / Tamil | Adi Dravida | B.Sc| No Income| Not working| Viluppuram

  • USTX3043

    36 Years, 5' 2" | Hindu / Tamil | Adi Dravida | Shiva(Gotra)| MS| Rs. 10 - 15 Lakh| Research Professional| Bangalore

  • USTY8897

    30 Years, 5' 0" | Hindu / Hindi-MP/CG | Adi Dravida | B.Com| Rs. 2 - 3 Lakh| Sales Professional| Bhopal

  • USTY3699

    27 Years, 5' 4" | Hindu / Tamil | Adi Dravida | MBA/PGDM| Rs. 3 - 4 Lakh| BPO/ITes Professional| Pune/ Chinchwad

  • USTA1489

    25 Years, 5' 3" | Hindu / Sindhi| Adi Dravida | kashyap(Gotra)| B.E/B.Tech| Rs. 5 - 7.5 Lakh| HR Professional| Baroda/Vadodara

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Matched by Jeevansathi

Adi Dravida Brides

The Adi Dravida Community members are from the South Indian states of Tamil Nadu and Karnataka. An Adi Dravida Bride can be a practicing Hindu, Christian, Buddhist or a follower of Islam. Wedding celebrations of the Adi Dravida community depends on the religious faith practiced. Hindu Adi Dravida Brides from Tamil Nadu have belief in their community's rituals and customs of wedding. An Adi Dravida bride generally prefers to wear the traditional attire of the state, mostly saris and gold jewelry

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